Thursday, February 27, 2014


Life has been a bit crazy at the moment, so I haven't been able to craft or update as often, I'm afraid. I also have some charts to send to a few people, which I haven't managed yet. I will get them out to you before next week.

I will be back on Saturday for March YOTA update. I look forward to seeing everyone's progress.


  1. Me too. Going through lots of things, whatever time is there I just read blogs that too I am not getting time to read all of them.
    Take your time. Priority things come first. For us, we are always here:)

  2. Hello

    I hope you have a good weekend (:

  3. don't be sorry sweetie, we all have a crazy life at a time or another...
    you have to go first to your priorities, we won't move from here =D


Would love to read any comments you would like to leave. Thanks for brightening my day :)