Thursday, June 21, 2012

Celtic Spring - She has a face!

I just love the look of the face and hair of these Lavender and Lace ladies, so I decided I would do the one on my Celtic Spring project. (Also it kind of freaks me out when they are a headless project and I think this addition changes the whole look of a WIP.)

L & L - Celtic Spring

I have been wondering what exactly readers look for from an interesting craft blog. Do you like just project pictures, interesting non crafty posts, fun questions and links either about craft stuff or just general things? I would love to know so I can make my blog more enjoyable, so feel free to make any suggestions you might have.

I decided I would share one of my little crafty quirks. Every night when I finish working on a project I prop it up on my bedside table so I can look at it and plan my next area to work on. I also find it difficult to see the picture forming when working on a project, so this way I can also get a clear idea of how it is coming together. Does anyone else do something similar or have their own little strange craft rituals? (I do the same with cards I make.)


  1. Hello

    Celtic Spring is looking beautiful!

    I like to take my stitching to bed and then have a good look at it in the morning too.
    one of my other quirks, as you touched on too, is that whenever I'm stitching anything with a face I try to do the face as soon as possible.

    Happy stitching!

  2. Celtic Spring is looking lovely! I agree I was stitching Bert the Badger and had only done the eyes and nose and they were floating, it was freaking me out so I stitched the head asap! I love admiring my stitching before bed to and like you think about which part I will get a chance to stitch on the next day.

  3. I don't have any quirks so I will give my 2cents to your first question. I like pics, talking bout the experience of the stitching, I also like a bit of "personal" stuff as you feel like you sort of know the person. That's why I like reading the questionares that have been floating around the blogs lately.

  4. Oooh, she's looking lovely!
    I also think a little bit of persoanl stuff on a blog is nice as you get to 'know' the blogger a bit better, although i find that part rather hard as I always think I'm so boring and no-one really wants to know about me!!!


Would love to read any comments you would like to leave. Thanks for brightening my day :)